vendredi 19 mai 2017

Local new story

Hey everybody !

Today I would like to speak about the abortion in Ireland. I choose this subject because I think it is an important subject especially for the woman. Indeed, since long time the woman fought to defend our right and now some countries supress this right and would have made all abortions illegal. In my first semester, I did a subject in English about the total abortion ban in Poland and the events after that. I am very shocked about that.

Currently, abortion is permitted in Ireland only if the life of the mother is in danger. It is however prohibited in case of rape, malformation of the foetus or risks to the health of the mother. The 8th amendment of the Irish Constitution giving equal rights to the foetus and the mother. So, I would like introduce to you the history of Savita Halappanavar. She came from India and she was 31 years old and was seventeen weeks pregnant. She went in a hospital in Galway with severe pain in her back. After being told that she was in the process of miscarriage, she repeatedly asked that her pregnancy be terminated.
When the doctor came to see, her she asked that her pregnancy be interrupted if they could not save her child. The doctor replied: 'As long as there is a heart rhythm for the fetus, we can not do anything.' Few days after, the heart of the fetus stopped and the doctors practiced a curettage on the mother. The young woman, in intensive care, died of septicemia in the following night.

The European Court of Human Rights had condemned Ireland in 2010 for forcing a woman suffering from cancer and who feared that a pregnancy might exacerbate her condition to undergo an abortion abroad. Approximately 4,200 Irish women are estimated to travel annually to the United Kingdom and the continent for a termination of pregnancy.

lundi 24 avril 2017

Free Subject : What futur for North and South Ireland ?

Hey everybody!

Today, I would like to speak about the problem of the Brexit about the border between the two Ireland.
Indeed, in June 2016 the United Kingdom voted to 51,9% for Brexit (The depart of the United Kingdom of the European Union). But this change caused a lot of question for the border between the North and the south of the Ireland.

Newry, border city town to threatened economy

Newry is a city in the north and in the south of Ireland. The EU allowed to this city to increase thanks to the single European Act in 1987 which paved the way for the completion of the single market and enabled the opening of control points.
But, now because the Brexit everything could collapse.  

The peace thanks the EU

Since 1998, there is the peace in the North and the south of Ireland thank the Europe because there is free circulation between the two countries, it is seeming the unification of the Island thank the ideas of the European union. Moreover, the Europe gave money to find peace between protestants and Catholics.

The Brexit increase the insecurity

Up to there, we did not have to worry about freedom of movement, about jobs. Ireland of North was a member of Ireland in the broad sense, because they are in EU. The peace process and the EU allowed progress, but there is always violence, the peace remains fragile. Yet, Brexit increase the uncertainty. The uncertainty, added to the fact the Northern Ireland has no more government.

Like you can see in this article the future of the border of the North and the South is uncertain and request precaution because Brexit can engender a lot of social and economic problems.

☘Bye bye 

vendredi 7 avril 2017


Hi every one, 
I going to explain to you geopolitics in Ireland. 

Presentation of country’s government
Ireland is an independent country to be part of the European union.
The Ireland is a parliamentarian government close to The Bitish system. The executive power is the government and the leader of the government is the Taoiseach (the prime minister) . And the legislative power is separate in two chambers the Dail Eireann and the Seanad Eireann. This two chambers creat the laws of the president.
The president of Ireland is a leader of the country and he is chosen by the population for seven years.
There are just two different politic parts
There are many political parties in Ireland. The two main, who share the powers since independence in 1919 are the Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael.

The local authorities
The local powers are established at the level of region, big cities, districts and towns. These local authorities are managed by an advice compound of councillors elected every 5 years.
Local authorities are responsible for social housing, the services of water, for the town and country planning, for the environmental protection, for the refuse collection and the infrastructures of leisure activities. Their financing is dependent on the State which pays their investment expenditure and collects on their behalf specific taxes for their operational expenses.

One of the most important conflicts of Ireland is the Northern Irish Conflict, also know as “The Troubles” is a period of political violence and agitation. It began in the late 1960s and is considered finish to 1997 to 2007. But in this date, the violence continues but more occasionally and on a smaller scale, while most belligerent group lay down their arms.

I hope you are learn about politics in Ireland. 

🍀Bye bye 🍀

jeudi 9 mars 2017

Social rituals

Hi everyone, 

I am in Irland since almost two months and now I have discovered some social rituals of the Irland. 
The Irland is a country with Celtic origin which can allow to create the Irish symbols. Indeed, the harp and shamrock are the symbols of Irland. 

Moreover the symbol of Irland is St Patrick Who is one of the world's most popular saints He played an important role in converting the Ireland's inhabitants to Christianity. According to legend, he drove all snakes from the island, although these "snakes" probably represent a particular group of pagans or Druids. Thus the 17th of march Irish celebrate the St Patrick day. During this day, Irish show who are proud to be Irish. Everywhere in Ireland there are parades and festivals that celebrate Irish culture. The largest parade is in Dublin. It is an event very important in Irland. 

The Irland is a lot of rituals such as the pubs. It is a place where the atmosphere is welcoming and friendly. There are music band and a great variety of beer. The pub is the appointing of the Irish people during the weekend with friends.

There is an over habit of the Irish is the Full Irish breakfast. It is compounded with scrambled eggs and white pudding, grilled sausages, tomato and mushrooms grilled and toast. All this accompanied by the second national drink, after Guinness, the tea. 

In Irland there are a lot of typical activities. I am going to present the two principals. 
Greyhound racing is very famous in Irland. The principle is six greyhounds run after false rabbit which maxes the tour of the stage on a rail. They are authorized in Irland only since 1027 and are very popular today. 
Moreover, there is The Gaelic football. It is the most popular sport in all the Irland and has very special rules. It seems to be a mix with rugby and football. And such as in the USA, all schools and university have their own team.

This is what I think is the most important about social rituals in Irland.

🍀 Bye bye 🍀

mardi 14 février 2017

University profile : Institute ofTechnologie of Tallaght Dublin

Hi everyone !

I would like introduce you my new school : the institute of technologie of tallaght. 

This instute is located in Tallaght in Dublin 24 in South od Dublin. And It was established in 1992. 
ITT Dublin is a third level institution specialising in courses in areas such as Business, Humanities, Computers, Science & Engineering.The institute offers a variety of courses, such as Higher Certificates and Bachelor's Degrees as well as Postgraduate courses 

I integrated this school the 20th of january, somes day before the other irish students. This day is for welcome the over international students. I very suprised beacause there are a lot of french students.
Tara who is the responsable of the internationals introduced our the ITT and  it functionning. After, we visited the campus. It is a big campus separate for diferents modules.

Some days laters, it is the begginning of the courses. We need to choose diferents courses so we go to diferents classes. We discover cutural differencies in the classroom. Indeed, the course never start at time. Professors and students come with 10 to 20 minutes later in courses. It is very surprising because in France the delay is not accept. Moreover, ofter the course finish earlier. So, the courses seems to be very quick. 
An other diferent, it is speaking out. In fact, the Irish students not raise his hand for speaking, they speak when they want. 
Futher, at the beginning the irish students are not welcoming with the international students. Some time there are several tables between irish and international students. 

The itt is a campus very dynamic. There ar a lot of associations and it is very important for this students to be part of association. Indeed,we can seen in hall students with his sweat of the association. This can be sport, music, humanities club ... 
Me, I choose to register in boxing club and in international culture club. Thank to this club, I meet new people and diferents cultures.

🍀Bye bye 🍀

samedi 21 janvier 2017

Last minutes in France

My clothes are flod,
tidy in my bagadge, 
all my documents are OK.
It is the moment to says good bye.
Goodbye to france to discover a new city in a new county : Dublin in Ireland.

I am very exating.