vendredi 19 mai 2017

Local new story

Hey everybody !

Today I would like to speak about the abortion in Ireland. I choose this subject because I think it is an important subject especially for the woman. Indeed, since long time the woman fought to defend our right and now some countries supress this right and would have made all abortions illegal. In my first semester, I did a subject in English about the total abortion ban in Poland and the events after that. I am very shocked about that.

Currently, abortion is permitted in Ireland only if the life of the mother is in danger. It is however prohibited in case of rape, malformation of the foetus or risks to the health of the mother. The 8th amendment of the Irish Constitution giving equal rights to the foetus and the mother. So, I would like introduce to you the history of Savita Halappanavar. She came from India and she was 31 years old and was seventeen weeks pregnant. She went in a hospital in Galway with severe pain in her back. After being told that she was in the process of miscarriage, she repeatedly asked that her pregnancy be terminated.
When the doctor came to see, her she asked that her pregnancy be interrupted if they could not save her child. The doctor replied: 'As long as there is a heart rhythm for the fetus, we can not do anything.' Few days after, the heart of the fetus stopped and the doctors practiced a curettage on the mother. The young woman, in intensive care, died of septicemia in the following night.

The European Court of Human Rights had condemned Ireland in 2010 for forcing a woman suffering from cancer and who feared that a pregnancy might exacerbate her condition to undergo an abortion abroad. Approximately 4,200 Irish women are estimated to travel annually to the United Kingdom and the continent for a termination of pregnancy.

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