lundi 24 avril 2017

Free Subject : What futur for North and South Ireland ?

Hey everybody!

Today, I would like to speak about the problem of the Brexit about the border between the two Ireland.
Indeed, in June 2016 the United Kingdom voted to 51,9% for Brexit (The depart of the United Kingdom of the European Union). But this change caused a lot of question for the border between the North and the south of the Ireland.

Newry, border city town to threatened economy

Newry is a city in the north and in the south of Ireland. The EU allowed to this city to increase thanks to the single European Act in 1987 which paved the way for the completion of the single market and enabled the opening of control points.
But, now because the Brexit everything could collapse.  

The peace thanks the EU

Since 1998, there is the peace in the North and the south of Ireland thank the Europe because there is free circulation between the two countries, it is seeming the unification of the Island thank the ideas of the European union. Moreover, the Europe gave money to find peace between protestants and Catholics.

The Brexit increase the insecurity

Up to there, we did not have to worry about freedom of movement, about jobs. Ireland of North was a member of Ireland in the broad sense, because they are in EU. The peace process and the EU allowed progress, but there is always violence, the peace remains fragile. Yet, Brexit increase the uncertainty. The uncertainty, added to the fact the Northern Ireland has no more government.

Like you can see in this article the future of the border of the North and the South is uncertain and request precaution because Brexit can engender a lot of social and economic problems.

☘Bye bye 

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